CRHS Theatre Booster Club Bylaws
Terms: The following terms shall have the meanings as set forth below:
Cedar Ridge High School Theatre Booster Club: Shall mean the organization of Cedar Ridge High School (from now on known as CRHS in this document) Theatre Department families and/or legal guardians as well as any community members who are paid, active members.
Executive Board/Executive Member: Shall mean any active, paid member that is an elected officer and holds the title of President, 1st Vice-President, Vice-President(s), Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Parliamentarian and Webmaster.
General Member/Active Member: Shall mean any active, paid member that is not an executive board member.
Director/Assistant Director(s): Shall mean any instructor that is directly in charge of the CRHS Theatre Department.
CRHS Theatre Department High School Member: Shall mean novice and/or returning members who are part of the CRHS Theatre Department.
Simple Majority: Shall mean at least one-fourth (1/4) of the total active, paid membership.
School Administration: Shall mean Cedar Ridge High School and/or the Round Rock Independent School District.
The name of this organization shall be known hereafter as the Cedar Ridge High School Theatre Booster Club or “Theatre at the Ridge Booster Club”. This Booster Club shall be a non-profit organization as described in Section 501c(3) and exempt from taxation under Section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
This Booster Club shall comply with the Round Rock Independent School District (RRISD) policies, University Interscholastic League (UIL) regulations, and Federal and Texas State laws for booster clubs.
Section 2.1: Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be in cooperation with the directors and assistant directors to provide encouragement, support and activities to further the goals of the Cedar Ridge Theatre program. To provide moral, financial and volunteer support to help maintain, improve or expand Cedar Ridge Theatre program, and to promote positive interaction between the Theatre Booster Club, school officials, directors, student body, and the community. This organization will also encourage and promote school spirit, encourage high moral standards, provide a sense of team unity and sponsor fundraising activities to provide additional funds for the Cedar Ridge Theatre program.
Section 2.2: Conflict Resolution
In the event of a conflict of objectives that occurs between the Executive Board (refer to Article IV Section 4.1) and the Sponsor (refer to Article IV Section 4.2), and if such conflict cannot be resolved within thirty (30) days, the Theatre Booster Club may be dissolved by 2/3 vote of the Executive Board and majority vote of the membership. Additionally, the Theatre Booster Club may be dissolved by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board and a majority vote of the membership present at a meeting specially called for this purpose.
Section 2.3: Dissolution
Upon dissolution of the Theatre Booster Club, the Executive Board shall, after paying or making provisions for payment of all liabilities of the organization, dispose of all the assets of the organization in accordance with the laws governing non-profit organizations. Any assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the organization is located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or
organizations, as said Court shall determine which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes notwithstanding any other provision.
Section 3.1: Membership
Membership in the Theatre Booster Club shall be open to all families and/or legal guardians of students attending Cedar Ridge High School, faculty, coaches, and staff of Cedar Ridge High School who desire to support the Cedar Ridge Theatre program. Community members, extended family, businesses, and parents of students attending feeder schools (elementary and middle school) for Cedar Ridge High School who desire to support the Theatre Booster Club may also become a member of the Theatre Booster club. Any membership into Theatre Booster Club will be based on the membership levels previously established by the Executive Board and Sponsor, which shall not be changed or altered without being submitted to the Executive Board for review and approval.
Each active, paid membership shall be allowed only one (1) vote per entire family. Dues must be paid in full prior to voting.
Section 3.2: Fees
Membership fees shall be set annually by the Executive Board. There may be different levels of membership as determined and agreed upon by the Executive Board.
Section 3.3: Term of Membership
The term of membership shall coincide with the fiscal year. Dues collected during the last quarter of the fiscal year or during the summer will serve as membership dues for the upcoming school year.
Section 3.4: Active Membership
“Active Member” shall be defined as a member who has paid dues for the current membership year and is in good standing with the Theatre Booster Club. Only Active Members may vote, hold office or chair committees.
Section 3.5: Honorary Membership
“Honorary Member” shall be defined as a member who has paid dues for the current membership, who is not an Active Member, but who desires to support the Theatre Booster Club. Honorary Members may not vote, hold office (unless no “Active Member” has expressed willingness to serve as defined in Section 5.3) or chair committees, but are eligible to serve on committees or to generally assist in the work of the Theatre Booster Club. The director and the assistant director(s) shall be considered honorary members of this organization. As honorary members, voting rights shall be extended to the director and the assistant director(s), and they are not required to pay dues.
Section 4.1: Membership Duration
Membership shall terminate at the end of the fiscal year, unless the member renews by paying the following year’s dues
Section 4.2: Early Termination and Suspension
A member may be expelled or suspended, and a membership may be terminated or suspended before the end of the school year only when:
- A family membership shall immediately become null and void/inactive following the voluntary or in voluntary dismissal and/or removal of a high school member. Dues are non-refundable.
- It is determined by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board that a member no longer subscribes to all of the policies and requirements of the Theatre Booster Club, or is actively working against approved plans and activities of the Theatre Booster Club, and membership dues shall not be refunded.
- A member is given fifteen (15) days prior written notice of the expulsion, suspension, or termination of membership, and reasons for it.
- A member is given the opportunity to be heard by the Executive Board, orally or in writing, not less than five (5) days before the effective date of the expulsion, suspension or termination.
The Executive Board, by a 2/3 vote, may decide that the expulsion, suspension, or termination not take place.
Section 5.1: Governing Body
The governing body of the Theatre Booster Club shall consist of a President, Vice President(s), a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The officers will make up the Executive Board. The President, Vice President(s), Secretary, and Treasurer are officers elected by the general membership and have voting privileges.
Section 5.2: Sponsor
The Sponsor shall be the Cedar Ridge Theatre Department Director. The Sponsor will be a non-voting member of the Executive Board. The Sponsor may designate an alternate to attend the meetings in his/her absence, and this alternate, who must be a faculty member or Administrator of Cedar Ridge High School, will satisfy the requirement that the Sponsor be present at all meetings.
Section 5.3: Officer Eligibility
Election for new officers will be held at the general membership meeting in April. Members who are interested in becoming an officer of the Theatre Booster Club must meet the following eligibility requirements:
● Be a parent or guardian of a current or incoming Cedar Ridge Theatre student, who is or plans to be involved in the Cedar Ridge Theatre program.
● Be an active member of the Theatre Booster Club (See Article III), who is in good standing and actively participates in activities supported by the Theatre Booster Club.
● Be willing to serve and abide by the Theatre Booster Club bylaws if elected
● Employees of RRISD shall not serve as an officer in a financial capacity.
The right to hold office shall be confined to active members of the organization, unless no active member of the organization has expressed a willingness to serve as an officer. In the event that no active member of the
organization has expressed a willingness to serve as an officer, the members may elect an “honorary member” to serve in an officer capacity.
Section 5.4: Officer Nominations and Elections
A) Officers of the booster club shall be the President, 1st Vice-President, Vice-President(s) – a maximum of four (4), Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Parliamentarian.. It is not mandatory that all these offices are filled in order to form and maintain this booster club, but it is mandatory to name a president and treasurer in order to form and maintain this booster club.
B) Officers shall be elected annually in the month of April and shall assume all duties and responsibilities July 1st.
C) Only one member of a family may serve as an officer at the same time unless the parents are serving as co-chairs in the same office which limits the family’s vote to one.
Section 2:
A) In the month of January, a five-member nominating committee shall be selected. The committee shall consist of the President, 1st Vice-President and three active members from the general membership. The director and/or assistant director(s) shall act as advisor(s) to the committee.
B) A potential candidate, a nominated candidate or any existing elected officer seeking any consecutive terms shall be a member in good standing prior to being nominated or re-elected to any office.
C) The consent from each potential candidate shall be obtained prior to his/her consideration for nomination to any office.
D) At the scheduled meeting in March, the President shall announce to the general membership the drafted list of recommended candidates (drafted by the nominating committee) for each potential office.
E) Floor nominations of potential candidates shall be accepted during the scheduled meeting in March. Officer elections will be held at the April general membership meeting.
The Executive Board will gather nominations for officers for the following year from the general membership beginning immediately following the March general membership meeting. Nominations will be accepted up to 7 days prior to the April general membership meeting.
Any Active Member of the Theatre Booster Club may make additional nominations from the floor; a nomination must receive a second in order for the nomination to be valid.
Following nominations, each officer shall be elected for a one-year term commencing July 1st by simple majority vote of the Active Members present at the meeting. If there are 2 or more nominations for an office, the vote will be taken by ballot.
The President will be responsible for coordinating the annual election process, preparing the ballots and counting the ballots if necessary (with the assistance of the Secretary) and announcing the results.
All officers will be eligible for re-election to the same or another position, except as follows:
● The President and Treasurer may not serve more than two (2) consecutive one-year terms in the same office.
Only one member of a family/household may serve as an officer at the same time, in order to limit the family’s vote to one (exception: two family members may share an officer position, but their vote is limited to one).
An officer shall resign his/her office upon their student’s resignation or separation from enrollment in the Theatre program effective no later than the first day of the following month or the end of the membership year, whichever is first.
Section 6.1: PRESIDENT
The president shall preside at all Theatre Booster Club Meetings, manage membership activities, work with the Vice President and committee leads, and maintain a line of communication with the Sponsor. The President shall oversee the function of the Theatre Booster Club. At all meetings of the membership and Executive Board, the President of the Theatre Booster Club shall preside. The President may designate an alternate to attend and preside over the meetings in his/her absence, and this alternate, who can be the Vice President or other officer of the Theatre Booster Club, shall preside to satisfy the requirement that the President be present at all meetings. In this instance, the President shall notify, if applicable, the Executive Board of his/her absence a week prior to the scheduled meeting.
The Vice President shall assist the President as required and be responsible for Theatre Booster Club activities. The Vice President shall fulfill the duties of the President when the President is unable to do so.
Section 6.3: SECRETARY
The Secretary shall record the minutes of all Theatre Booster Club membership and Executive Board meetings. The Secretary shall present minutes of the previous Theatre Booster Club meeting for approval, ensure notification of non-school related members, circulate rosters, and will be responsible for maintaining all non-financial documents for the Theatre Booster Club including Cedar Ridge Theatre Booster Club bylaws. The Secretary shall also assist the President with membership activities. The Secretary shall provide meeting minutes to the Cedar Ridge Theatre Booster Club webmaster to be posted, after approved, on the website.
Section 6.4: TREASURER
The Treasurer shall have custody of all monies in the Theatre Booster Club’s general operating fund and will sign all of the Theatre Booster Club checks in addition to the President and other officers appointed as a signer on the account. Two other designated signers shall sign any check made out to the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall present a financial report at each meeting, supervise the collection of all monies due, and present a full written financial report upon the completion of the Fiscal Year (See Article VII) for an independent audit.
Section 7.1: Committees
The Executive Board shall create committees as deemed necessary to carry out the work of the Theatre Booster Club.
Section 7.2: Committee Chairpersons
The President shall appoint the chairpersons of committees with the approval of the Executive Board.
Only Active Members of the Theatre Booster Club shall be eligible to serve as chairperson of a committee; both Active Members and Honorary Members may serve on committees.
A standing committee chairperson may pass their proxy to a member of their committee if they are unable to attend a meeting.
Section 7.3: Financial Responsibility
Committees and/or committee chairpersons shall not commit the Theatre Booster Club to any financial expenditure or contract without the approval of the Executive Board and the membership.
Section 7.4: Documents and Reporting
All standing committee chairpersons shall deliver to their successors or the President all official materials within fifteen (15) days following the date at which their successors assume their duties.
All committee chairpersons shall present a regular status of work to the Executive Board for review as requested.
The President shall be a member ex officio of all committees except the Audit Committee and the Scholarship Review Committee if the President has a student eligible for consideration for a scholarship.
Section 8.1: Budget
A preliminary budget for the upcoming year must be approved by the general membership at the May meeting to allow for expenditures to occur during the summer. A final budget for the year must be approved by the general membership at the August meeting. Except for situations covered in Section 8.5, all expenditures must be from the approved budget or covered in amendments to the budget that are approved by the general membership at subsequent meetings.
Section 8.2: Deposits and Withdrawals
Finances belonging to the Theatre Booster Club will be deposited into a checking account established through a local bank.
Withdrawals from the Theatre Booster Club account will require two signatures from any two elected officers listed on the signature card at the bank.
Section 8.3: District Employees
Employees of the District shall not serve in a financial capacity of a booster or other parent organization. Financial capacity includes holding positions of treasurer, fund-raising chairperson, or serving as a check signer. Any and all positions that are responsible for the ultimate safeguarding or disposition of funds may not be held by District employees. Substitutes are not District employees. Therefore, this policy does not apply.
Section 8.4: Unbudgeted Requests
Unbudgeted Requests for funds must follow these guidelines:
● The Theatre Director must request the funds from the Executive Board in writing. Email is acceptable.
● Requests for all unbudgeted expenditures must be submitted in writing (email is acceptable) be approved by the Executive Board and the membership.
● Unbudgeted expenditures up to $500 per occurrence may be approved by the Executive Board between regularly scheduled meetings to meet a requirement deemed an emergency or immediate need by the
Executive Board; such expenditures will be brought before the membership for explanation and approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting following the expenditure.
● The Treasurer will disburse the funds after securing the two required signatures, neither of which may be the payee.
Section 8.5: Fiscal Year
The Theatre Booster Club’s fiscal year begins July 1st and ends June 30th. The current Treasurer will be responsible for closing the previous Theatre Booster Club Fiscal Year books along with providing information and updates to the newly elected Treasurer for the upcoming school year.
Section 8.6: Independent Audit
At the end of the Theatre Booster Club’s fiscal year, an independent audit must be performed and the report given to the Executive Board in a timely fashion.
The audit is to be performed by an audit committee appointed by the President and consisting of at least two people. Members with signature authority on the financial account cannot serve on the audit committee.
Section 9.1 General Membership Meetings
General membership meetings shall be held on a minimum of three times per year but typically are on a monthly basis during the school year, subject to Executive Board and Sponsor availability and timing conflicts with Holidays, unless otherwise notified through email and website communication. The Executive Board shall determine the dates for the monthly general membership meetings prior to the first official membership meeting and present to membership for the current school year to be held at Cedar Ridge High School TheatreWing or another designated location.
Section 9.2: Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the President or the majority of the members on the Executive Board. At least three (3) Executive Board officers must be in attendance and the membership must be notified 72 hours in advance. No meeting will be deemed official without the Sponsor, or the alternate as named by the Sponsor, present.
Section 9.3: Voting
A simple majority of the booster club’s active, paid membership which will include one half of the executive board must be present at any meeting to constitute a quorum for order of business. For voting purposes, approval will be defined as a simple majority vote of the active, voting members present at any general meeting.
Notice of Theatre Booster Club meetings shall be posted on the Cedar Ridge Theatre Booster Club website, Social Media, or via the membership email list.
Section 9.4: Board Meetings
An Board meeting with Sponsor shall be held as determined by the Executive Board. At least oneBoard Meeting will be held following the election of new officers, and one prior to the beginning of the new school year.
Section 10.1: Legislative Influence
No substantial part of the acts of the Theatre Booster Club shall be carrying out propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation or other activities not permitted in an organization exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(c)(3).
Section 10.2: Relationship to Other Guidelines
Any situation not explicitly governed by these bylaws shall be governed in accordance with the Round Rock Independent School District (RRISD) policies, University Interscholastic League (UIL) regulations, and Federal and Texas State laws for booster clubs.
Section 10.3: Scholarships
The Theatre Booster Club may elect to implement a scholarship program. In the event that a scholarship program is implemented, the requirements shall be consistent with the district requirements for scholarship programs, including the creation of a Scholarship Review Committee, as outlined in the district Booster Club Guidelines.
Section 11.1: Whistleblowers
In keeping with the policy of maintaining the highest standards of conduct and ethics, Theatre Booster Club will investigate any suspected fraudulent or dishonest use or misuse of Theatre Booster Club’s resources or misconduct by Executive Board members, consultants, or volunteers.
Executive Board members, consultants, and volunteers are encouraged to report suspected fraudulent or dishonest conduct (i.e., to act as a “whistleblower”), pursuant to the procedures set forth below.
Section 11.2: Reporting
A person’s concerns about possible fraudulent or dishonest use or misuse of resources or misconduct should be reported to the Executive Board President, Vice President, and CRHS Principal. Alternatively, to facilitate reporting of suspected violations where the reporter wishes to remain anonymous, a report may be made to the RRISD Fraud Hotline (information is available on http://www.roundrockisd.org).
Allegations are taken seriously, so care should be taken to avoid baseless allegations.
Section 11.3: Resolution
All relevant matters, including suspected but unproved matters, will be reviewed and analyzed, with documentation of the receipt, retention, investigation, and treatment of the complaint. Appropriate corrective action will be taken, if necessary, and findings will be communicated to the reporting person and the Executive Board. Investigations may warrant investigation by independent persons such as auditors and/or attorneys.
Section 11.4: Whistleblower Protection
Theatre Booster Club will use its best efforts to protect whistleblowers against retaliation. Complaints will be handled with sensitivity, discretion, and confidentiality to the extent allowed by the circumstances and the law. Generally, this means that whistleblower complaints will only be shared with those who have a need to know so that Theatre Booster Club and/or RRISD can conduct an effective investigation, determine what action to take based on the results of any such investigation, and in appropriate cases, with law enforcement personnel.
Executive Board members, consultants, and volunteers of Theatre Booster Club may not retaliate against a whistleblower. Whistleblowers who believe that they have been retaliated against may file a written complaint using the RRISD Formal Notice of Grievance (FNG Local) process.
Section 12.1: Legal Overview
In accordance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which makes it a crime to alter, cover up, falsify, or destroy any document with the intent of impeding or obstructing any official proceeding, this policy provides for the systematic review, retention, and destruction of documents received or created by Theatre Booster Club in connection with the transaction of organization business. This policy covers all records and documents, regardless of physical form, contains guidelines for how long certain documents should be kept, and how records should be destroyed (unless under a legal hold). The policy is designed to ensure compliance with federal and state laws and regulations, to eliminate accidental or innocent destruction of records, and to facilitate Theatre Booster Club’s operations by promoting efficiency and freeing up valuable storage space.
Section 12.2: Document Retention
Theatre Booster Club follows the document retention procedures outlined below. Documents that are not listed, but are substantially similar to those listed in the schedule, will be retained for the appropriate length of time.
● Corporate Records
○ Annual Reports to Secretary of State/Attorney General – Permanent
○ Articles of Incorporation – Permanent
○ Executive Board and General Meeting Minutes – Permanent
○ Executive Board Policies/Resolutions – Permanent
○ Bylaws – Permanent
○ IRS Application for Tax-Exempt Status (Form 1023) – Permanent
○ IRS Determination Letter – Permanent
○ State Sales Tax Exemption Letter – Permanent
○ Contracts (after expiration) – 10 years
○ Insurance Policies – Permanent
● Accounting and Corporate Tax Records
○ Annual Audits and Financial Statements – 10 years
○ IRS Forms 990 and 990-T Tax Returns – Permanent
○ General Ledgers – 10 years
○ Business Expense Records – 10 years
○ IRS Forms 1099 – 10 years
○ Journal Entries – 10 years
○ Invoices – 10 years
○ Sales Records (box office, concessions, spirit sales) – 5 years
○ Petty Cash Vouchers – 3 years
○ Cash Receipts – 3 years
○ Credit Card Receipts – 3 years
● Bank Records
○ Check Registers – 10 years
○ Bank Deposit Slips – 10 years
○ Bank Statements and Reconciliation – 10 years
○ Electronic Fund Transfer Documents – 10 years
● Donor and Grant Records
○ Donor Records and Acknowledgment Letters – 10 years
○ Scholarship Committee Materials – 7 years
Section 12.3: Electronic Documents
Electronic documents will be retained as if they were paper documents. Therefore, any electronic files, including records of donations made online, that fall into one of the document types on the above schedule will be maintained for the appropriate amount of time. If a user has sufficient reason to keep an e-mail message, the message should be printed in hard copy and kept in the appropriate file or moved to an “archive” computer file folder. Backup and recovery methods will be tested on a regular basis.
Section 12.4: Storage and Backup
Theatre Booster Club’s records will be stored in a safe, secure, and accessible manner. Documents and financial files that are essential to keeping Theatre Booster Club operating in an emergency will be duplicated or backed up at least every week and maintained off-site.
Section 12.5: Document Disposal
Theatre Booster Club’s Secretary is responsible for the ongoing process of identifying its records, which have met the required retention period, and overseeing their destruction. Destruction of financial and personnel-related documents will be accomplished by shredding. Document destruction will be suspended immediately, upon any indication of an official investigation or when a lawsuit is filed or appears imminent. Destruction will be reinstated upon conclusion of the investigation.
Section 12.6: Caveats
Failure to follow this policy can result in possible civil and criminal sanctions against Theatre Booster Club and possible disciplinary action against responsible individuals. The President and Treasurer will periodically review these procedures with legal counsel or the organization’s certified public accountant to ensure that they are in compliance with new or revised regulations.
Section 13.1: Policy
Theatre Booster Club Executive Board members have an obligation to conduct business within guidelines that prohibit actual or potential conflicts of interest. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide general direction so that Executive Board members can seek further clarification on issues related to the subject of acceptable standards of operation.
An actual or potential conflict of interest occurs when an Executive Board member is in a position to influence a decision that may result in personal gain or gain for a relative as a result of Theatre Booster Club’s business dealings. For the purpose of this policy, a relative is any person who is related by blood or marriage, or whose relationship with the Executive Board member is similar to that of persons who are related by blood or marriage.
Section 13.2: Disclosure
No presumption of a conflict is created by the mere existence of a relationship with outside firms. However, if an Executive Board member has any influence on any material business transactions, it is imperative that he or she discloses to the Executive Board as soon as possible the existence of any actual or potential conflict of interest so that safeguards can be established to protect all parties.
Section 13.3: Conflicts
Personal gain may result not only in cases where a Executive Board member, or a relative has a significant ownership in a firm with which Theatre Booster Club does business, but also when a Executive Board member, or a relative receives any kickback, bribe, substantial gift, or special consideration as a result of any transaction or business dealings involving Theatre Booster Club.
Section 14.1: Proposing Amendments
Proposed amendments to these bylaws may be submitted by any Active Member to the President copying the Secretary, who will submit the proposed amendments to the Executive Board.
Section 14.2: Adoption
Any amendment approved by the Executive Board shall be considered at the next general membership meeting as defined below:
● These bylaws may be amended at any general membership meeting of the Theatre Booster Club with a 2/3 vote of the Active Members present. These amendments must be read at a meeting, discussed, and voted on at the same meeting, provided that a 72 hour or more notice of the proposed amendment(s) was given prior to the meeting.
● To be adopted, any amendments approved by the general membership must then be approved by both the Sponsor and the Executive Board.
RRISD Booster Club Guidelines (https://firm.roundrockisd.org/booster-club-guidelines/) Theatre Booster Club Website (https://www.theaterattheridge..com/)
UIL Booster Club Guidelines (https://www.uiltexas.org/policy/booster-club-guidelines)
Our Sponsors